Redis vs. Vultr

Compare the status, incidents stats and history between Redis and Vultr

Every service has different practices when updating its status page, so compare these stats with a grain of salt. E.g., one service can be more aggressive when updating its status page than other so that they will have more incidents, but it doesn't mean it is worse than the other.


Redis current official status is Operational


Incidents in the last 7 days
Incidents in the last 30 days
Incidents in the last 90 days

Latest incidents

Resolved Scheduled Maintenance

Service maintenance applies to all of the resources with the following pattern in their endpoint : c92

about 16 hours ago Official incident report
Resolved Scheduled Maintenance

Service maintenance applies to all of the resources with the following pattern in their endpoint : c93

about 16 hours ago Official incident report
Resolved Scheduled Maintenance

Service maintenance applies to all of the resources with the following pattern in their endpoint :


Vultr current official status is Minor Outage


Incidents in the last 7 days
Incidents in the last 30 days
Incidents in the last 90 days

Latest incidents

Ongoing Partial Outage

An outage or maintenance window is affecting a subset of users in this region. Detailed outage information is available in the customer portal if this event is impacting your resources.

about 1 hour ago Official incident report
Ongoing Potential service disruption in Tel Aviv

The Constant Company, creator of Vultr, is aware of and following the situation in Israel. At this time we do not expect any disruption of service in our Tel Aviv location. We will continue to clo...

Resolved APAC Maintenance - 2024-04-30 16:30 UTC

At 16:30 UTC on Tuesday, 2024-04-30, we will be performing a reboot of the systems providing VNC / remote console access in our Asia, Pacific Island, and Australia Data Centers. During the reboot ...

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