Basecamp / 37signals vs. Shortcut

Compare the status, incidents stats and history between Basecamp / 37signals and Shortcut

Every service has different practices when updating its status page, so compare these stats with a grain of salt. E.g., one service can be more aggressive when updating its status page than other so that they will have more incidents, but it doesn't mean it is worse than the other.

Basecamp / 37signals

Basecamp / 37signals current official status is Operational


Incidents in the last 7 days
Incidents in the last 30 days
Incidents in the last 90 days

Latest incidents

Resolved HEY Email Delays

HEY Email is currently experiencing delays right now. We're looking into the issue and will keep updating.

Resolved Basecamp 4 user preferences are having trouble.

We're currently looking into some issues with user preferences (things like avatar, themes, etc.) in Basecamp 4. So sorry for the trouble.

Resolved All 37signals apps are having trouble

Our apps are having issues due to a DDoS attack. This is affecting logging into our apps and other features. Our team is currently working on a fix. We're very sorry for this trouble!


Shortcut current official status is Operational


Incidents in the last 7 days
Incidents in the last 30 days
Incidents in the last 90 days

Latest incidents

Resolved Async Processing Delays

Our async processing infrastructure is running behind. No data has been lost and the system should be caught up shortly.

about 2 months ago Official incident report
Resolved GQL Performance Issues

The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.

about 2 months ago Official incident report
Resolved In-channel Slack notifications are delayed

Users may see in-channel Slack notification delays. We are investigating the cause now.

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